Thursday, February 23, 2017

11-Year Old Linux Kernel Local Privilege Escalation Flaw Discovered

Another privilege-escalation vulnerability has been discovered in Linux kernel that dates back to 2005 and affects major distro of the Linux operating system, including Redhat, Debian, OpenSUSE, and Ubuntu.

Nmap Cheat sheet


Metasploitable3 is a free virtual machine that allows you to simulate attacks largely using Metasploit. It has been used by people in the security industry for a variety of reasons: such as training for network exploitation, exploit development, software testing, technical job interviews,

Hakin9 Open – How To Become a Hacker

Dear readers,

Due to popular demand we decided to prepare a special issue dedicated to those of you that seek an answer to the ultimate question: “How to become a hacker?”. book from here

Stalkscan scary scanner

Stalkscan is a free online service that enables you to look up any Facebook user's public information using Facebook's own APIs.

Practical Malware Analysis book